
The password for the next level is stored in a hidden file in the inhere directory.

Username: bandit3

Password: string provided in the spaces in this filename file in the previous level


This time I have to navigate from the home directory to a different directory. This will require me to use the cd command.

One thing that stumped me for a while is that using the command ls didn’t list the hidden files. I did some quick research and ls only list non-hidden files. To include hidden files, I have to use the command ls -a.

All hidden files will have a dot (.) at the beginning of the filename, e.g. .hidden.


Step 1: Log in using the username and password in the task.

Step 2: Type pwd to confirm my location in the directory.

Step 3: Type cd inhere to change to the inhere directory.

Step 4: Type ls -a to list out all hidden and non-hidden files.

Step 5: Type cat .hidden to read the contents of the hidden file.


Level 4 completed.